Woody Dudley, DVM Why is sedation a good thing? Using Sedation requires less employees, less wrestling, less stress, and provides faster service, better job satisfaction, and better quality testing …
Woody Dudley, DVM Where will you go if you have an emergency with your pet? No pet with an emergency should be put on a waiting list or …
Undiagnosed pain occurs in many of our pets due to their ability to hide signs of pain. When we don’t realize that our pets are in pain they suffer …
By Dr. Woody Dudley, DVM Early Detection and Treatment of commonly seen eye conditions in our pets can prevent Blindness and Enucleation (surgery to remove the eye). Vision and …
Dr. Woody Dudley, DVM How does illness occur in pets? Noticing health issues can be a challenge for Pet Owners. Our pets can’t tell us how they feel. …
Dr. Woody Dudley, DVM Dogs are highly social, preferring company. As a result, when alone many suffer from Separation Anxiety. What is Canine Separation Anxiety? It is estimated that …
Dr Woody Dudley, DVM Medicating our feline patients can be challenging, even for Feline Veterinarians and Veterinary Nurses. It is so important to diagnose feline medical conditions early (find …
Dr. Woody Dudley, DVM What is a heart murmur? Heart murmurs are exaggerated heart sounds heard with a stethoscope. The sound of a heart murmur is detected due to …
Dr. Woody Dudley, DVM Are tooth fractures painful? Yes. However, in most cases, there are no obvious symptoms. Our pets cannot tell us when the tooth hurts or is …
Blood Pressure Screening for Hypertension in Dogs and Cats Woody Dudley, DVM Did you know that high blood pressure is commonly seen in our Senior Dogs and Cats? Many …